Postsecret has been my Sunday ritual for well over a year now. Every Sunday morning, I wake up and get on my computer. I first open and check out the classifieds for their pet adds. Then I look at who is engaged or just got married to see if I know anyone. Then I go to my favorite part, postsecrets Sunday Posts. I can not even begin to tell you how happy it makes me to read these. Some of them are funny, while others are sad, and some give me hope. I tend to relate best to the ones about love, taking chances and self discovery the most. I just think there is something really incredible about putting a secret out there for the whole world to see, even if they have no idea who's secret it is. I have a favorite, but I can't currently find it, so here are a few of the others I love:
Its 2010 and I can't believe how fast this year went by. It feels like just yesterday I was sitting at the Crown Woods apartment with everyone ringing in 2009. So much has changed in my life since. While some of it is hard and I am still searching for reasons why certain things happen, I feel more blessed today than ever for the people that God has blessed me with and the life I get to live everyday. Sometimes I think we lose track of the things than truly matter, and my new years resolution I've decided is to let those people that mean the most to me know it every chance I get. My other New Year's Resolution is to find an activity that really makes me happy to do. I feel like I don't have anything that I just purely enjoy to do for myself, and I want that to change. Whether thats taking a dance class, joining a book club, taking bubble baths, walking down riverside, photography... I don't know. I just want to do something for myself and this year I fully intend to try new things to learn what I love. I am 24 years old. Its about time I figure out what makes me happy. Anyway, I am welcoming 2010 with open arms and an open heart. Here's to living every breath of my life!